Reunion 2010: “Getting Stronger”

The reunion has just ended and we would love to know your thoughts. Many of you were new to our family reunions and all of us got to meet new family members. The Olympics was a great success as was the Memorial Service and the Banquet; but the highlight of the week was the “Hibbert Idol.” We are interested in knowing what you thought about the reunion. Please leave your comments here.


2 Comments on "Reunion 2010: “Getting Stronger”"

  1. Greg Hibbert on Fri, 13th Aug 2010 8:14 am 

    The reunion was great as usual. For me, it’s about what we as adults can give to the children so that the institution of our family continues to thrive and prosper. What I will remember about the reunion is when Martina said that the children in her class looked at our website and then said “I want to be in your family”. That says it all! Also, we are further along with our search…We now know that Solomon’s father’s name was Robert Henry Hibbert and I’m sure we will continue to uncover more about our rich history. I really enjoyed floating down the river on the river rafting excursion and jumping off of the pier. I learned a lot about bee keeping, thanks to Marcia and met many new family members on the Madden side and on the Panamanian side. Lastly, giving the heritage award to Aunt Barbara was such a fitting had off of appreciation for her devotion to the family. So many more memories that I can speak of but i’ll leave it at that for now.

  2. Cynthia Herbert on Mon, 16th Aug 2010 8:43 pm 

    Re: Leaping Where You Cannot Look
    The Tradition of The Hibbert Family Celebration of Life

    I thank you for the invitation and I was so honored to be in the presence of a warm and loving family.

    Hat’s off to a hard working committee and the great success of the reunion. I could see the supernatural power of prayer, because that’s what it took to keep the committee strong. Pulled off with excellence!

    From sunrise to sunset and some….. it was non stop interaction between all generations.

    It was such a blessing to see the children get involve with the history and lineage events and have fun. I was so proud of the young man who prayed. He may be your next minister, deacon, elder, or preacher.

    It was great working with the family of Liturgical Dancers. Their creative minds worked hard and hearts were warm and loving. Praise God from whom ALL blessing flow…

    The line dancers thought they wouldn’t sweat!
    Aerobics in the morning, thank you for your participation in taking care of your body. Roneith and I had a surprise for both the walkers and Aerobic fans with a combination workout.

    I met so many Hibbert’s and their friends.
    I had a ball.

    It was great to see the involvement of the family in the event filled reunion. Please continue to keep the faith, Leaping where You Cannot Look, like so many of our ancestors did. They paved the way and we must continue to do so for others.
    Your “adopted” Hibbert,
    Cynthia Herbert

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