In Loving Memory

The In Living Memory page is a treasured addition to our website. This is where the family may come to forever remember their loved ones, pay respect, reconnect with their spirit and rejoice over their wonderful memories. As an introduction to the rememberance section below, please enjoy the video presentation produced by Daniel Edwards, a 4th Generation Hibbert. This video was presented at the “Getting Stronger” Memorial service during the 2010 Family Reunion. The Memorial Service was produced by Lorna Hibbert. Enjoy and don’t forget to pay respects to our loved ones by clicking on their memory links below. Please contact us to add a loved one and memorial story to the list below.

“Death is Nothing at All” Narrated by Janice McIntosh

Name Corrections to Video


Yolande Dyer
Ruel Hibbert (Uncle Chubby)
Ferdinand Madden
John F. Hibbert
Inez Veronica Madden (Aunt Mavis)
Reuel Madden
Judith Elaine Hibbert

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